I’m Jeanette. I traded my love for alcohol for a love for life.


(Turns out, it’s smoother than top-shelf tequila. Want a sip?)

Crafted with 3 parts compassion, a splash of bite-sized wisdom, and a generous pour of empowerment. 
Stir well, and finish with a zest of growth mindset. 

What does Sober Curious Mean?

and other Sober Curiosity FAQs



Question #1 

What Does Sober Curious Mean?


Being Sober Curious means approaching sobriety and limited alcohol consumption with an open mind and a sense of curiosity.

Sobriety isn’t the same as abstinence. It’s about creating a state where alcohol no longer controls your choices—whether that means drinking in moderation or not at all. That decision is yours to make.

This curiosity isn’t driven by fear of consequences or harm reduction. It’s about exploring the possibilities that come with drinking less. I truly believe that limiting alcohol isn’t a restriction—it’s an opportunity. A gift, not a punishment.

There’s no denying the fun that can come with drinking—the quick buzz, the fleeting sense of freedom from worry, and the uninhibited laughter. And there’s nothing wrong with enjoying the occasional mind-altering experience. Even elephants in the wild have been observed eating fermented fruit to feel intoxicated. The desire for a buzz isn’t uniquely human.

But drinking is just one kind of experience, and there is so much more to life worth experiencing during our short time on earth. When we consciously choose to limit alcohol, we create space to embrace the full spectrum of life’s magic.

On the flip side, when we rely too much on one source of enjoyment, it can take up more space than we ever intended—crowding out other experiences, shrinking our world, and limiting who we can become. I believe that’s why more and more people are drawn to the sober curious movement.

Deep down, we know alcohol has taken up too much room in our lives. And deep down, we know there’s more to life. More to us. 

Question #2 

Why Are People Sober Curious?


The beauty of being Sober Curious lies in its openness and empowerment. You don’t need to have a drinking problem to explore sobriety, nor do you have to swear off alcohol forever.

Being sober curious means making a fully informed, conscious choice about alcohol—one that aligns with what feels right for you. It’s about experimenting, reflecting, and discovering the relationship with alcohol that best serves your life.

In a culture that glamorizes drinking and normalizes overconsumption, many of us were never given the chance to step back and decide for ourselves. We weren’t taught to be fully informed consumers or to consciously choose how much space alcohol should take up in our lives.

Instead, society draws an arbitrary line—normal drinkers on one side, "problem drinkers" on the other. The former are encouraged to drink freely, while the latter are condemned for even a single sip—leaving little room for those who:

  • Want to take a break from alcohol.
  • Are questioning whether their drinking habits align with their long-term goals.
  • Simply want to make more space for other things in life beyond drinking.

The Sober Curious space offers the freedom to ask these questions, explore your own answers, and reshape your relationship with alcohol—without the need for labels like "problem drinker" or "alcoholic."


Question #3

How to Be Sober Curious?


You’re already Sober Curious the moment you type this term into Google or find yourself reading this page. That alone means you’re open to exploring a different relationship with alcohol—one where it takes up less space in your life.

But who doesn’t love a good How-To Guide?

With the 4-Pillar Sobriety Ascend System, you now have a clear roadmap to a more intentional, empowered relationship with alcohol.


Question #4

Where Did Term "Sobriety Hero" Come From?


Okay, I admit—this is an NAQ (Never Asked Question). But I’m answering it anyway.

I (Jeanette) created the term because I see Sober Curiosity as a type of hero’s journey—a path to reconnect with our authentic selves. A self that’s often buried under modern-day overconsumption—whether it’s smartphones, shopping, social media, or alcohol.

We are all heroes, born to live with purpose and fulfillment. But before we can fully claim that birthright, we must embark on a journey of self-discovery—just like Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, Neo in The Matrix, and Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz.

The hero’s journey isn’t just a storytelling device; it’s a universal human experience. That’s why these stories feel so powerful and resonate so deeply.

It always begins with reluctance. As humans, we crave familiarity—even when the unknown promises something greater. But eventually, the pain of staying stuck outweighs the fear of change. And so, the hero takes the first step, leaving behind the comfort of the past and stepping into the unknown.

Along the way, trials test the hero’s strength, skills, and most importantly, resolve. The journey builds to a defining moment—a ordeal that must be faced. When the hero prevails, they don’t just overcome the challenge; they discover their authentic self and true purpose.

At last, they shed the false beliefs that once held them back and embrace the truth of who they really are—who they were meant to be.

And now, you are here.

Life has called you to your own adventure.

Right now, you may feel reluctant or hesitant. You might be struggling, frustrated, or battling setbacks and self-doubt. No matter where you are in this moment—this is what becoming a hero feels like.

Welcome home, hero.

Your greatest reward—liberation, authenticity, and purpose—awaits.

👉 Uncover your Sober Curious Hero’s Stage here.

Question #5 

What’s Possible with Sober Curiosity?


Sober Curiosity is a pathway for growth-minded men and women who want to:

✅ Take a break from alcohol—without the traditional AA approach.
âś… Create positive changes in their drinking habits with compassion and empowerment (not guilt or shame).
✅ Embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth—beyond just drinking less.
✅ Build a life guided by purpose and fulfillment—on their own terms.

Founded by Jeanette, a therapist who champions empowerment over surrender and compassion over judgment, Sober Curiosity is a fresh, research-backed approach that rewrites the traditional narrative of alcohol use and recovery.

It’s your portal to clarity, confidence, and a more intentional way of living.

Question #6

How Can Sober Curiosity Guide Me Towards Clarity, Confidence, and Personal Growth?


Freebies like these:


Essential reads like these:


Stand-alone Sober Curiosity Mini Courses like these:
Exclusive Sober Curiosity Clubs like these:
  • Sober Curiosity Recording Archive – All past workshops, ready when you are.
  • Sober Curiosity Live Workshop Monthly Pass – Drop in anytime, learn in real-time.
  • Premium Club (Recordings + Live Access) – The ultimate way to stay engaged.
And for the most comprehensive, premium programs…


And, of course…

The Sober Curiosity Emails

The only emails about “drinking less” people actually look forward to.

Not to brag (okay, maybe a little), but I’ve heard it all over the years—how these bite-sized Sober Curiosity insights have changed the way people think about drinking.

I think you’ll love them too.

👉 Sign up here and see for yourself.

Question #7

How Do I Know If I Am a Sober Curious Hero?


The fact that you landed on this page tells me one thing—you already have a Sober Curious Hero inside you.

But how do you know if you’re truly on this journey?

It’s simple—ask yourself:

  • Have you ever been curious about what life could be like with less alcohol?
  • Have you ever questioned whether your current relationship with alcohol aligns with your dreams and aspirations?

If you’ve ever reflected on your drinking, considered taking a break, or wondered if alcohol is truly serving you, then congratulations—you’ve already answered the call to your Sober Curious Adventure.

I know you were made to be a Sober Curious Hero.

That’s exactly what you become the moment you subscribe to Jeanette's Sober Curiosity Insider.

No spam, only bite-sized insights—I promise.


Become a Sober Curious Hero


Question #8

Wait, Who Is Jeanette? 


Oh, hey there!

I'm Jeanette, your non-AA sober curious mentor 


Think me as: The Obi-Wan to your Luke,

the Morpheus to your Neo, a

nd the Glinda to your Dorothy in your journey to an alcohol-free lifestyle...

 A former daily drinker turned psychotherapist and sober curiosity mentor, obsessed with helping growth-minded individuals take a break from alcohol, cast aside the limiting beliefs that keep them stuck, and build new tools to let go of the crutch of bottles, all using a non-AA approach.


After a decade-long love affair with alcohol, when I finally broke free from the hold of my old 'lover,' sobriety became the greatest gift I ever received.

On my road to sobriety, I uncovered that this is not a journey of recovery, but one of discovery—an adventure to become the hero we were born to become…

And, since this an about page after all,

Here Are 5 Fun Facts About Me...

#1. Long dresses are my only outfit

To reduce the time I spent figuring out what to wear each day, I came up with a brilliant idea in 2011—limiting my wardrobe to just one item: long dresses. 

( So today, if you ever run into me on the street, I guarantee you will find me in an ankle-long flowery dress)


#2. One may say that I was born a dreamer

I believe we can achieve anything we want in life, as long as we keep trying.

At age 9, I told my best friend I would go to the most prestigious university in China; at age 17, I told my boyfriend that I would immigrate to the US to study Psychology; at age 20, I told my sister that I would start a tattoo business to fund my dream.

Each time, the listener looked at me as if I were a crazy, wide-eyed dreamer.

Yet, I was admitted to Peking University at age 18; I sold my tattoo business at age 22; I immigrated to the U.S. when I turned 23.

I apply this same spirit in Sober Curiosity:

We are here to experiment - with moderation, with abstinence, and with anything in between - until we find what works for you.

Keep trying different things, and I guarantee you, you will either get information or results - either way, it will be a win


#3. I was once a painter, not the artist kind, but the construction kind

Speaking of trying things - I worked as a construction painter for nearly 2 years as a fresh-off-the-boat immigrant. 

(I thought about keeping my long dress attire - but it might have been a little “overdressed” for the occasion, so I got myself a pair of white pants. )

#4. Also, a decade-long daily drinker

For more than 13 years, I drank myself to pass out each night behind closed doors.

My path to finding freedom and rediscovering happiness is not conventional: no AA meetings, no surrendering my power, and no settling for anything less than what life has to offer.

It all starts with stopping asking the most commonly asked question.

>> Yes, I stopped asking “Am I an alcoholic?” and it changed everything, and here is why.
(Did I mention this exact blog has reached over 100K readers and was the most popular post on Psychology Today for 5 straight days?) 


#5. While earning my M.S. in Clinical Psychology, I found freedom from alcohol

8 years after I set foot in this country, I earned the degree that allowed me to register and practice as a therapist.

The best thing I learned in grad school?

Every behavior we engage in serves a purpose, even the ones that seem irrational, like excessive drinking.

Understanding the behavior with compassionate curiosity is the first step to change.

When I applied this understanding to help people learn to drink less without living less?

Finding freedom and rediscovering happiness became more than a possibility, not just for myself, but also for others.Â